OPRA Requests
What is OPRA?
The Open Public Records Act (OPRA) is a State law to increase the public’s accessibility to view and copy government records maintained by
public agencies in the State. Additionally it
provides the public a procedure to register a
complaint when a request for access to
government records is denied. A “government
record” is defined as a physical record that has
been generated, maintained, or received by a
public agency in the course of official business.
What public agencies are covered under OPRA?
OPRA applies primarily to executive branch of
State government, cenain records of the State
Legislature, state authorities, comm.issions, state colleges and universities, county govenunents,
municipalities, fire districts, school boards,
planning and zoning boards and other county and local boards, agencies and authorities. OPRA does not cover the judicial branch of government.
How can I submit an OPRA request?
You can download the form
here. Once downloaded, you can fill it out and return it to the Hopatcong Police department Records Bureau or email it to dobrien@hopatcongpolice.org
All requests for police records are governed by the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.).
Contact the records clerk at (973) 398-5000 during regular business hours with questions or for further information.